Wednesday, December 1, 2010

i just need somebody to L.O.V.E !!

hhaaa.. an da kuar tjuk lgu JB.... today still waiting for him.. blew la dy nk msok line niey.. pnat cm niey.. prasaan aq cm trgntung smentara.. x twu pew prasaan dy.. fwenz or couple ?? tp dy da bgi hrapan at aq.. oyt.. pkcik !! sdar x ?? mkcik niey da start skew at dy. !! npew blur sgt niey !! btw.. tired of waiting.. xkn aq nk ckp nan dy.. "eyt.. jom kpel"..  chooopppp... mlu derr.. t x psal2 aq dilabel syok sndri an.. urm.. arif syafie omar tlah mniggal an psan.. "survive for your love".. yes.. yes.. that's i'm tryin to do bro.. tp aq rsew cm brtepuk sblh tngn jew.. xdew bnyi un.. wa3.. what eva un.. still nk tnggu dy.. smpai kdua2 tngn ku brbnyi.. chaiyok !! wow.. brsmngat niey.. for him.. i'm still waiting k.. tatatititutu~~

p/s : love makes everything that is heavy light...

1 comment:

  1. haha....nme pnow plak uh......x sngke2......gud luck...klo tepok xde bunyi...cbe tpok tgn owg len....msti owg len lh bunyi the meaning???
